Wednesday 1 December 2010

Exploring Options = Increasing Opportunities

To do a quick summary, in previous posts we looked at how to set Goals in order to establish the 'destination' and we explored Reality to identify the 'starting point'. Now the time has come to discover the Options, or, in theme with the journey metaphor 'the different routes available'.

'We will find a way, or make one'- Hannibal. Although this quote is from a rather creepy film, it is one of my favourites. It perfectly represents the attitude that one should adopt when wanting to achieve a goal. 
In my opinion there is really no point wanting something if you are not prepared to try everything to get it.

Having said that, I also think that Generating Options is the stage of the Goal achieving process which is the most fun and exciting! The number of possibilities which are available to our Generation are endless, so all that is left to do is to start exploring the options and start increasing the opportunities!

Before you get started there are a number of key points you should keep in mind when thinking of your options:
  • Options are Not decisions. The aim of exploring all your different options is to create a variety of possible alternatives which you could (not must) take. This stage is a bit like window shopping before buying or looking at the menu before ordering what you want to eat.
  • Albert Einstein once said ' Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results'. I think it is fair to say the man had a point....SO when thinking of your options don't be scared to try something new or something different, if what you have been doing so far hasn't worked there must be a reason! 
  • Adopt different perspectives. People often limit themselves by looking at things from a single perspective. Instead, try adopting different points of view and you will find that this substantially increases the number of options on your list. 
  • If you think of something, as crazy, unrealistic or silly as it sounds write it down. Remember, these are only possible alternatives not definite actions and often a crazy idea triggers another idea, which triggers another idea and before you know it you have found an option which is going to take you straight to your goal.
Pen and paper.........Answer these questions in relation to your goal

1. What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?
2. What would you do if you had no limitations? i.e. money, location, age, skills, confidence etc.
3. What would you do if you were a different person? i.e. someone you look up to and admire.
4. Make a list of all the things you are good at and which add value to you as a person. i.e. Talents, skills, knowledge, interests, attributes etc. How could you use the items on your list to help you reach your goal?
5. Think of a time when you achieved something that for you was challenging. How did you do that? and how can you use that experience to help you overcome this new challenge?

If you haven't been lazy or used the 'I'll do it another time' line, then by now, you should be well on your way to knowing what actions you need to take to reach your goal. Well done! now go and celebrate doing whatever it is that you do when you celebrate. Come on, off you go :)