So you get to the stage where you know what you want and you have set yourself a Goal, (If you haven't done that, read previous post). What to do next??.....Well imagine this scenario. You have decide that you want to go on a trip, you have established your destination and you now need to find out how to get there. You go on google map and in order to get directions you are asked to enter two key pieces of information 1) your DESTINATION and 2) your CURRENT LOCATION.
The exact same information is required when trying to reach your goal. You need to know where you are going and you need to know what your starting point is. If either of these two factors are missing then the task of achieving what you want becomes extremely difficult.
Here are a number of questions which will help you review your reality and therefore identify your starting point...Once again grab pen and paper and write your answers down (please note, this can be done to review your current situation in general or in the specific area of your life in which you have set yourself a goal)
1. What is happening right now that tells you that you are not 100% satisfied?
2. What is missing from your current situation that would make you satisfied?
3. What positive things are happening now that you would like to maintain?
4. What actions have you taken so far to improve the situation?
5. How did taking these actions help you improve the situation?
6. What is stopping you from taking other actions which will help you to further improve the situation?
7. What resources do you already have which will help you achieve your goal?
8. What other resources do you need?
9. Having answered these questions, is your initial goal still relevant? If not make the changes or adjustments to your goal now.
Now you will have a clear Goal + A clear Starting Point!!! Take the time to read through your own thoughts and understand what they really mean to you. In the next post we will look at how to take it a step further and explore all your different options and believe me when I say they will be endless!