Wednesday 22 September 2010

You are a Coach?..... Oh cool so what sport do you teach?

So, the full conversation usually goes something like this
'' Hey Veronica, so what are you doing with yourself these days?"
 "Well I have qualified as a Coach/NLP practitioner and I am doing a Psychology degree at Uni, what about you"
"(the other person will tell me what they have been up to, followed by) oh so you are a coach, what sport are you coaching? and what is this LLP stuff?''

By this point I usually find myself explaining that I am a Personal Performance Coach not a sports coach, I explain that my job is to help people identify what they want to achieve in life or in a specific area of life i.e. health, career, personal development, relationships etc.

Now, considering this conversation 8 times out of 10, will take place in locations which make the act of conversing somewhat difficult i.e. a club, bar or some sort of social event (because yes, even geeks like me have a social life) I have had to learn to explain what I do as quickly and as easily as possible and this, ladies and gentlemen, is the result:

- I help people find out where they are now and where they want to be


- I facilitate the process of PLANNING and TAKING the steps to get from where they are now to where they want to be.

Now of course there is more to coaching than that, but usually those two simple statements get people interested.....

This is followed by me explaining that NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming (usually the fancy long word makes me sound surprisingly intelligent, because apparently being a girl who is into fashion and makeup AND has a brain is still a shocking revelation in the 21st century).

Anyway the reason for this ramble was to point out the fact that most people are not aware of what coaching and NLP are, even though it appears to be a topic which attracts a lot of interest. As a result I am going to make it my little mission to provide info by blogging and rambling about related topics. So if you are interested Watch this space....